Tools Engineer: Core Software Development - Computer Science, Algorithms/Data Structures
- Engines and their tools
- Game Tools History
- The Toolsmiths GDC Codex
- The Toolsmiths Glossary
- The Toolsmiths Learning Paths
- ◍ Tools Engineer Learning Path
- ◎ Tools Engineer: Core Game Development
- ◎ Tools Engineer: Core Game Tools Development
- ◎ Tools Engineer: Core Software Development
- ◌ Computer Science, Algorithms/Data Structures
- ◌ Computer Science, Computer Architecture
- ◌ Computer Science, Databases
- ◌ Computer Science, Computer Networks
- ◌ Computer Science, Operating Systems
- ◌ Programming Language, C
- ◌ Programming Language, C++
- ◌ Programming Language, C#
- ◌ Programming Language, Python
- ◌ Software Engineering, Debugging/Troubleshooting
- ◌ Software Engineering, Version Control
- ◌ Software Engineering, Writing Code/Unit Testing/Refactoring
- ◎ Tools Engineer: Game Tools Development Disciplines
- The Toolsmiths Knowledge Base
- Tools Development Wisdom and Best Practice
- The Toolsmiths Arsenal
- The Toolsmiths Toolbox
Codex navigation
- Sorting
- Merge Sort (in-place)
- Quick Sort
- Heap Sort
- Burstsort
- Sorting Algorithm Properties
- Stable
- Space complexity
- Searching
- Binary Search
- Boyer–Moore string-search
- Interpolation search
Asymptotic notation
- Trees
- Trie
- Binary tree
- Self-balancing binary search tree
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Hash Tables
- Hash Functions
- Collision Resolution
- Hash table vs binary tree
- Data Compression
- Lossless compression
- Data Structures
- array
- list
- stack
- queue
- graph
- dictionary
- hash set
Book Links
Web Resource Links
- Algorithm Design and Analysis
- Algorithms, Part I
- Binary Tree Data Structure
- Hash Tables
- Introduction to Data Compression
- The Data Compression Site