Notes by Victor Stepanov

About the moderator David Lightbown

Who came to the roundtable
  • tools programmers 80%
  • tools team managers 2%
  • product designers/ product specialists 5%
  • Technical Directors/ Artist / Designers 5%
  • tools QA
  • tools User Researchers %5
  • build/release manager
  • community managers for tools

(the percentage sum doesn’t add up; people were raising their hand more than once)

What are people working on
  • third-party tools 2%
  • in-house tools 98%

Table of content

What was the best design change your team made?

Context: question from the moderator

What was the worst design change your team made?

Context: question from the moderator

  • adding web service calls to retrieve data (insecure calls between studios, not thinking of security implications)
  • making a tool that is designed for only one thing (people found out about it and started to use it for their own purpose in unexpected ways)
  • designed for tools and not for a workflows
    • coloring a button in red to get users attention so they would press it
    • poor communication with users through email (not reaching people)
  • some examples from “Tools Tutorial Day: Analyzing for Workflow Reduction: From Many to One to Zero” by Philip Bloom

Hierarchical State Machine accessibility

Context: Haven’t seen a good solution for Hierarchical State Machines. Are there any good ones?

A useful tool with an FSM view should have:

  • the ability to quickly scour the whole FSM to understand the big picture
  • make it smile to understand what it is doing
  • see what the trigger logic for a state is
  • better organization (review/help from engineers)
  • ability to hide things and not to show too much data
  • a mode for seeing one state at a time
  • a stack UI element that shows you where you are
    • shows the steps you took (see the path that you have traversed through the FSM)
  • ability to mark a state that you would want to get to and let the tool show you the shortest path (by using the A* algorithm)
  • ability to use software engineering principles (like modularization)
  • ability to document and add notes
  • ability to test states (are we able to reach the state?)

Tool or Feature discoverability

Context: Avoiding issues of having people create tools that are doing the same thing.

  • running a show and tell (studio presentations for art, design, and engineering)
  • launch a documentation initiative (make it easy to find things)
  • embedded documentation into the editor
    • add chain browsing to the documentation (like Amazon product search “you also might like…”)
  • having context toolbars (collections workflows)
    • different options for different contexts
  • once a month watch users at their work (“tailing” the users )
  • when designing/discussing new tools/features having designated stakeholders onboard
  • using confluence for documentation
  • in editor links to confluence/wiki
  • sending out release note emails
  • walking the floor (checking with people)
    • in general, having a presence on the floor
  • Having the option of Art leads and Design leads join Tool Team standups (optional)
  • dividing documentation into 2 different parts
    • user docs
    • tech docs
  • sending engineers that work on particular tools to the user meetings (art/design)
    • hearing the issues that the content creators are having first hand (it will be hard for them to hide issues)
  • having an engineer that is scheduled a bit less so they can walk the floor (have a fulltime Tool UX/Design position?)

How to balance between beginners vs. experts

Context: Managing the difficulty/learning curve of a tool.

How to keep the tools as sleek as possible.

  • adding gamification elements into tools (achievements and quests)
  • asking users when helping them with other issues “by the way, did you know that you could do this?”
  • having metrics in place (that show what features are being used and what is not being used)
  • “put interactivity in their face.”
    • adding explorational UI elements
    • did you know that you can do this (interactivity helper)
      • Gamasutra article “What was wrong with Clippy” (Do you have a link?)
  • visibility of UI elements based on the workflow root
    • hides the things that they don’t need
    • per team UI configuration
    • workflow group (currently have 30+ customization)
    • easy to share between users
  • do user testing (bring in amateur users and expert users)
  • get telemetry (how users are interacting with the tools)
    • build telemetry into the tools from the ground up
  • have the ability to set user profiles
  • beware of the modularize complexity problem
  • have training sessions for the users
  • have consistent features, operations, and rules across the studio tool base
  • making it clear to the users what is changing/happening
  • optimizing for workflow
  • comment for the engineers “Your engineering mind is not the Artist mind.”
    • talking to users not making assumptions “I think… this would be better…” (engineers are not artists)
  • context based actions
    • having actions that are available everywhere (accessible for more advanced users)
  • Don’t start implementing features as soon as a user request it. Ask “why do you want these options/features?”
  • usually, people want every option and don’t want the tools team to get rid of them (“Say NO to change!”)
    • if removing the feature doesn’t interfere with their creative ability (consider removing that feature)
    • “can we automate this?” ask yourself
    • removing the feature to streamline (deprecating extra features)
    • making tools “lean and mean.”
  • adding a “simple” tab (that contains the most commonly used functions)
  • having an option to pick how advance you are (picking your level)
  • showing users where the advanced options are (have Red checkboxes next to them)
  • don’t be afraid for TAs to write tools
  • Teaching content creators hotkeys of the tools (adding hotkey manipulations for common actions in the tool)
  • look into the “Progressive disclosure” (UI/UX pattern)
  • look at other DCC tools (Maya, 3ds Max…)
    • third-party tools that your users interact with every day

Deployment approach of tools

Context: Adding one new extra step to users workflow of retrieving tools, seems to be causing issues and making people confused.

  • have a list of builds in the deployment tool that are approved by QA
  • engineers have the option to lock down the version of the toolset
  • special development tools that come with the engine
    • that communicate what version you should be using
  • force users to update the tools on startup
  • see Unity’s Engine deployment tool mid
  • having a dependency management tool that tells you when it is time to update

What to expose in script vs in UI

Context: how do you keep things in sync and decide what to expose

  • making any action/button is an actual script action that anyone can use to automate things in the tool
    • a special framework that makes it simple to keep script and UI in sync
    • however, watch out for button action that doesn’t translate well into the script context
  • if the tool supports undo/redo
    • using the “command” pattern that creates the command stack as an entry point for the script (you already have the functions that make the undo features work)
  • having ways to script writers be able to discover the Script API
  • see Maya Shelves
  • expose everything you have to the script API (makes it easier for TAs to work and automate things)

Topics that we didn’t get to

how to develop/design tools for scripting

documentation and tutorials (See notes for day 2)

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